Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Duck Season or Rabbit Season..

I'm not sure if it's duck or rabbit season right now but I do know it's allergy season! And it hit with a vengeance this year!! I think I skipped all the usual symptoms and just went straight to a sinus infection. Awesome... Thankfully, I'm recovering after a week of feeling ill. From what I understand because we had that snow in late March it caused some things to bloom later than usual, so now everything is blooming all at once. I don't know if anyone has noticed their cars having a yellow tint to them...but that's pollen. Ick. I've never seen it so bad before.
We're trying to clean our deck off and seal so we can enjoy it this summer but we can't be outside for too long without sneezing our brains out. So needless to say, it's a slow process. But it's looking good. I'll post before and after pictures.
I think the worst part about having allergies besides the constant sniffling, sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, and pressure that makes your head want to explode is the fact that I'm stuck inside!! Since the weather has been so beautiful all I want to do is be outside! Or if I'm inside I want to open the windows...but that can't happen. I have tried just about every at home remedy you can. I know I'm exaggerating a bit, but I have still tried a lot. I did the Nettie pot for a while but that never worked for me. My sinus cavities are so swollen that the water won't go through. My grandmother told me to snort salt water instead. It cleans out your sinuses but won't reduce swelling. I did that for a while and it really does help! I have also tried drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water. That surprisingly helps too...but it's not something I could do everyday. I want to gag with every sip I take. I have gone to bed with a warm wash cloth...I drink hot things throughout the day...I let hot water hit my face in the shower...I've used nose sprays...I take Zyrtec everyday...I inhale steam...I eat spicy foods...etc. etc. etc. There's some I forgot, I'm sure. As you can see I've tried a lot. Some work great, some work okay. I think I just want a cure, and as far as I know, there's not one. Hopefully once everything is done blooming it'll get a little better. If you are a fellow sufferer of allergies, I'm sorry. You're not alone!

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