Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"I love Jesus...But I Drink A Little"

Okay....nothing exciting has happened around here so I just thought I'd let you know what's on my mind and share a little laughter. For labor day we visited our VERY good friend, Megan, in OKC. We did lots of fun stuff but on Monday (actual labor day) we visited the OC campus since they don't celebrate labor day. It was SO NICE being back. All sorts of memories came flooding in. We didn't recognize many students, but we got to chit-chat with lots of former professors. Super fun. BUT ANY WAY! It got me thinking about how much I miss it there! But, recently, a few things have stuck out in my mind. First off, I miss all the friends I made there and I wish I spent more time with them than my books. Second, I rrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllyyyyyy miss the independence we had. Our loans weren't in repayment yet, all we had were silly little bills, and more importantly, WE HAD OUR OWN PLACE! Oh, how I miss it. And finally, I miss one tv show. I know what you're thinking "tv show...really? Like you can't watch tv in Arkansas?" I can, BUT the show I always watched was Ellen. I never had an early morning class and Ellen came on at 9:00am. So of course, that's what I set my alarm to and I turned the tv on first thing. She is so funny and uplifting! Love her. Well, Ellen comes on tv at different times in every state. Just so happens it comes on at 3:00pm here in Arkansas. And it also just so happens that that's the exact time I work. Of all the luck. And to top it off, Arkansas doesn't even show new episodes. So if I were to ever get a chance to watch, it'd probably be an episode I already saw. Which, that's okay, I guess. So, to wrap this up, I'll leave you with one of my favorite Ellen moments.


Amber D said...

#1. I totally miss OC days as well. Part of me wants to move back to Edmond just to be near the school and excitement and activities that happen there!! I too miss the care free days and having friends literally next door!

#2. I LOVE Ellen, luckily we have DVR so I am able to record all of her shows! She always makes me laugh and smile!! That is super weird that arkansas doesn't show new episodes..hmmmmm.

Megan Gunderson said...

The Gladys clips are some of my favorite YouTube must-watch videos. The only thing that tops them is the Hamilton Rap. :-)