Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Scotty's Bucket List

I have seen many people's bucket lists, and thought that it would be neat to write my own. Periodically I will add to my list, and mark things off as I complete them.

Here is my list, enjoy!

-Attend an Olympics Games
-Be a foster parent
-Be on the city council
-Build a model train
-Coach a youth basketball team
-Compete in a curling match
-Complete a full marathon
-Create a hand-made chess set
-Do woodworking
-Go zorbing
-Help build a Habitat for Humanity Home
-Learn archery
-Learn how to ride a unicycle
-Learn sign language
-Learn to play the accordion
-Learn to play the guitar
-Own a house
-Pay for a stranger’s meal
-Pay off student loans
-Perform a wedding
-See the Northern Lights
-Shake the hand of a president
-Solve the Rubik’s Cube (without cheating)
-Take flying lessons
-Tune a piano
-Visit “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter”
-Visit all 50 states
-Visit Canada, Eh?
-Visit Las Vegas
-Visit the Grand Canyon
-Watch all 8 Harry Potter movies in one day
-Watch every movie that has won the Oscar for best picture since 1986 (the year I was born)
-Write a book


Megan Gunderson said...

So, I've been thinking about writing my own list . . . what a coincidence! Also a coincidence: I navigated to this website directly after viewing the Wizarding World of Harry Potter website (just dreaming and hoping).

Staci and Daniel said...

I think there is one thing missing- coming to see us in Japan!