Monday, June 29, 2009

And So It Begins...

WORK! It has begun!! Today is Scotty's first day at his new job. We had prayed so hard that he finds something and those prayers were answered. So hopefully he really enjoys it and can make a good career out of it! I'm so proud of him. For those who don't know, Scotty got a job at Arvest Mortgage. It is pretty close to what he was doing in OKC. He takes care of people who are having trouble paying off their mortgage. Let's hope he likes it and excels quickly. And if he doesn't like it, then lets hope that he finds something else! As for me, I've started teaching piano at Ms. Betty's studio. It has been a lot of fun and being in the studio brings back so many memories of when I was a student there. When school starts back up again in August I'm planning on doing some substituting in music classes to get a little extra income. We have to start paying on loans in July so we'll need all the little extra cash we can get.

Besides work we've been working hard on VBS stuff at church. We're teaching the story of Adam and Eve to 1st-5th graders. Last night was the first night and it was a lot of fun. VBS is always so exciting even for us big kids.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that both our parents have been keeping us busy with projects around the house and I am very glad to say that we finished Iris and Darrell's living room! It looks so good! All we need to do is decorate it and then start on the next project! It's been a lot of fun.

Well...Scotty said I'd post a week or so ago about the cruise but we've been so busy lately I haven't had time! I'm not going to say a whole lot about the cruise just because it'd take me all day to tell you about the magic we experienced! But I will say that we loved it SO much that we want to go again before we start having babies. And when we start having babies...and they're old enough...we want to go again...........and again and again. It was AMAZING! We highly recommend Disney Cruises.

That's it for now, but I do have a prayer request. Be praying for Darrell (my father-in-law) because he has been job searching too. Pray that he finds something that will be enjoyable for him. Also be praying for me and Scotty to get these crazy loans paid off in our goal time. It's going to be really hard but we have faith that it'll come through somehow. Thanks!!!

1 comment:

Megan Gunderson said...

Maybe someday if I'm ever finished with Alaska, and you are finished with Arkansas, we can meet in the middle and live somewhere awesome like Colorado. I'll try to get married before then so we can double-date. :-)

Glad you had fun on your cruise; I'm jealous!